All therapeutic work with Kelly is guided by the clients’ needs and what resonates with them. One technique that she uses with many of her clients, which helps them to achieve quicker and deeper results in therapy is Brainspotting.

Brainspotting (BSP) is an exciting brain/body-based therapy approach, developed by David Grand, Ph.D. in 2003. It is a powerful treatment method that easily integrates into both individual and couple’s therapy. Kelly’s ability to be deeply attuned to the client is the core of this treatment and creates a powerful space that enhances the healing process.

Through trauma an individuals’ nervous system is overwhelmed and BSP helps ease this dysregulation both emotionally and physically through locating, accessing, processing and releasing neurophysiological sources of pain/trauma held deep in the subcortical brain. It is indicated that BSP accesses the body’s natural self-scanning and self-healing ability.

A common quote by Grand, “Where you look, affects how you feel” is a clue to the basic understanding of BSP. To use this phenomena, Kelly and her client find a relevant eye position or Brainspot, through having the client slowly scans his/her field of vision while thinking about the emotionally charged issue. Often, the client can locate a Brainspot by noticing an increase of emotions or body sensations (activation) in a particular location in the visual field. Or Kelly may find Brainspots by observing responses in the client, such as changes in the eyes, facial expression, breathing or body position.  A Brainspot gives access to the activation of the emotionally charged issue in the brain and holding the gaze on the Brainspot allows the brain to process the issue, allowing the material to move towards energetic discharge and healing.

Bilateral stimulation through soothing music and/or nature sounds moving ear to ear, is often utilized to enhance the BSP process.  

How does Brainspotting help?

It is not uncommon for individuals to experience minimal and/or lasting change through traditional “talk therapy.” It is believed that this is at least in part due to how trauma is “stored” in the brain; that is that it is in the older/deeper parts of the brain, rather than in the conscious, rational mind (pre-frontal cortex). The goal of BSP is to bypass the conscious thinking in order to access the deeper part of the brain (subcortical) where traumas are held. In doing this, BSP can help transform and heal the painful emotions that often drive unhelpful behaviors that often seem impossible to change and increase one’s ability to be less reactive in relationships and other situations. BSP is a way to work on trauma in a safe and contained space.

BSP is also used to find and strengthen resources and resiliency through finding a Brainspot that is connected to where one feels calmest or most grounded in their body. Working in this way, the positive feelings and body sensations are enhanced.

What does a session look like?  

Working with Kelly or another therapist who was trained through David Grand’s trainees is important as there are nuances that are crucial to the work. In the session, the client and Kelly discuss together how Brainspotting can both be incorporated and enhance the client’s treatment goals. This collaboration facilitates the therapeutic relationship, building trust and a sense of togetherness. Sessions are 55 minutes in duration, with the start of the session being focused on identification of the “target,” the mindful processing with the Brainspot, and some time spent to review and address any issues/concerns. Generally, clients feel a reduction of painful, repetitive feelings and return to the following session reporting positive shifts in their experiences both emotionally and behaviorally.

Who can Brainspotting help?

Brainspotting can be integrated into a wide range of healing modalities.  It can be helpful for all age ranges, through reducing the effects of distressing events that are lodged in the brain and body. Therefore it is effective for resolving all types of trauma, reduces attention issues, stress, anxiety, phobia, anger and depression, and addictive cravings. BSP also has the exciting possibility of enhancing creativity and performance and as noted already to increase ability to access natural states of calm and confidence.

“To heal is to touch with love that which was previously touched by fear.”

- Stephen Levine